We are a team of Engineers, Programmers, and Entrepreneurs

Riverdale Robotics (R3P2) is a relatively new team in its sixth year from Riverdale Collegiate in Toronto, Ontario. Originally founded by a small group of excited and motivated students, we quickly grew to over 50 members and have maintained that membership since. Riverdale Collegiate has over 110 years of academic excellence and R3P2 strives to continue this tradition. Many new grade 9’s are choosing Riverdale because of our robotics team and our commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

As an inner city collegiate school, Riverdale enjoys the strength of a diverse population, but lacks access to resources and a proper workshop. These challenges have made us resourceful, creative, and innovative. Continuing to step up to challenges and achieve our goals with a talented, ambitious and committed team, we share the First Robotics’ motto of Gracious Professionalism and *Coopertition, knowing robotics is more than just the robot.


Aspiring future mechanical engineers who are in charge of the construction of the robot. Building their problem solving skills, they discuss strategies and devise several prototypes before our competition to maximize the efficiency and quality of the robot.

Sub groups of the build team are Solidworks and 3D printing where they are currenty learning to create 3D models of the robot and give 3D Printing tutorials to the students of Riverdale Collegiate.


With problem solving and critical thinking skills, programmers write the instructions to control the pistons, pneumatics, and motors. The programmers code two modes for the robot, autonoumous and teleop. They continuously learn to code in Java, HTML and CSS. Our programming leads mentor students on the basics of robotics, web development and robot functionality.


Responsible for all the business aspects of the team including fundraising, marketing, team purchases, community outreach, and making the team presentable to the community at competitions.

We also visit local businesses and nonprofit organizations to promote our team so that we can inform others of the purpose of our team, and inspire students around us to be involved with programs such as the FIRST Robotics Competition. Most importantly, we help our team gain the financial support needed to help maintain the team and continue giving opportunities for our students to grow their passion in STEM.