R3P2's Timeline

Below, you can find a list of R3P2's past initiatives, events and everything else we've done!

2024 ont DCMP

Ontario District Championship

Our team qualified for the Ontarial DCMP and was placed in the Science Division along with several of the best teams in Ontario. From there, 5834 had impressive results, with quick robot cycle times, scoring very effectively for the team, and racking up a 6-6 record against the top teams. Despite missing out on the playoff bracket during the alliance selection, R3P2 still won the Team Spirit Award, and our Outreach Lead, Hannah Li won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award, qualifying for the World Championship level over some of the top students in the province! Congratulations!

2024 windor competition

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Event

5834 travelled all the way to Windsor to participate in the Windsor Essex District competition! Staying overnight for a 3-day 2-night trip, R3P2 put up a great showing at the event, improving on the robot's shooter mechanism from the last event to play impactful offense for their alliance and scoring large amounts of points. The team was picked by the 8th alliance, 9663 (Offshape Robotics), and 8789 (The Lost 10mm Sockets), and pulled off an incredible upset win against the 4th alliance in the lower bracket thanks to the incredible driving skills of Brandon Ho. Although we bowed out of the competition against the third alliance, the team gained enough points to qualify for the Ontario DCMP.

2024 Centennial Competition

Centennial College District Event

Our team faced many challenges this event, such as late shipment of important robot parts, and poor connections to the robot, resulting in many disconnections on the field. Despite this, R3P2 perservered and were picked by the first alliance, 7558 (ALT-F4), and 1325 (Inverse Paradox). R3P2 would go on to play incredible defence for the alliance, winning out every playoffs match to become the winners of the Centennial College district event.

2023 Overtime Sunday Competition

Overtime Sunday 2023

R3P2 competed in the 2023 Overtime Sunday event in Hamilton. Despite facing several challenges, such as broken gears, a tough qualification bracket, and the departure of a very prominent team leader and mentor, Nhat Le, our team put up an admirable fight, showing resiliency throughout the tournament. Although falling in the quarterfinals along with our alliance partners, 7520 (MineKee) and 5596 (Wolverines), R3P2 had a great showing for the last competition of our beloved robot of the 2023 season, CharLes Augustin.

2023 CNE Competition

CNE Competition 2023

Our team participated in the 2023 Offseason competition at the CNE! Along with alliance partners 2935 (NaCI) and 5596 (Wolverines), R3P2 ranked 8th with an impressive record of 8 wins and 6 losses, thanks to our drivers, Brandon Ho, Fiona Mooney, and Mahir Tasnif.

Provintials Hamilton


We continued on to the Provincial Championship after the North Bay Competition. We ranked 26 in qualifications and 57 in the Ontario District. We were part of the Technology Division.

North Bay

North Bay Competition

On March 24, 2023, we drove 4 hours to North Bay to participate in the competition held at Nipissing University. It was a 3 day and 2 night event, while we stayed overnight at Travelogde, we practically lived in the tour bus! Late nights meant for resting were filled with chatter and anticipation for tomorrow’s match. We were picked by Sparkling H2O to join alliance 5 as their first pick. We played four games in the playoffs where we defeated Alliance Two and Eight and lost to Alliance Three and Four.

Newmarket Competition 2023

FRC Newmarket Competition 2023

On March 5 and 6, R3P2 participated in the 2023 Newmarket Charged Up event. Despite challenges with the robot, we were able to persevere, and end in the top 20 teams after the qualification stage. With assistance from our scouting team, which worked tirelessly to provide accurate data, we were able to prepare for the alliance selection effectively. We ended up in the top 15 of all teams at the tournament, being knocked out after a hard fought lower bracket run.

Community Day

Community Day 2022

This December, the results of three months of preparation paid off, as the Riverdale Robotics team collaborated with the student council, along with several other clubs, to run Riverdale’s community day event. We had several volunteers from the Robotics Team to help out with various activities throughout the day, including our very own Robotics station. It featured a lego robotics activity, and showcased our two of our robots, which was a huge success with the children at the event.

FRC Competition

FTC Competition

For the first time at Riverdale, Robotics competed in FTC. We competed with three teams: Riverdale Rascals, Runners and Riders. Unlike FRC, FTC is less heavy on building and more focused on programming and was also built during the Computer Engineering Robotics course (TER4M). Our member from Build, Kelvin, helped his team advance to the second round, and claim second place for the Innovative Award. Nathan, Aidan and Jenny from Build along with Damon from programming, went to Semi finals and achieved the highest score of the day.

Overtime Sunday 2022

Overtime Sunday 2022

Congratulations to the robotics team for their strong effort at the STEMley Cup/Overtime Sunday tournament in Hamilton, on October 30th. We entered two teams out of 21 teams at the competition. Team A, was captain of the 6th alliance and was eliminated in the quarter final (Drivers: Sofia Pereira, Emelie Gordon). Team B was selected by the 1st alliance and went on to win the tournament (Drivers: Nathan Hudson, Joshua Liang). Thank you Ms. Nishio and Mr. Le for your support!

CNE Competition 2022

CNE Competition 2022

Our team competed for the first time in over 2 years at the CNE Offseason Competition on September 2 to 4. The new drivers, Aidan Hayes and Jason Wu, continued to improve throughout the competition, making the quarterfinals. The team had a strong showing at the competition with support of Mr. Au, Ms. Stamatiou, Ms. Wieringa, Jeffrey Siu, and Mr. Le.

Ukraine Crisis 2022

1000 Cranes for Ukraine

Our robotics team doesn't just focus on building robots but also a better world. Due to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, we started the 1000 Cranes for Ukraine initiative. We asked the student body at RCI to donate money to help UNICEF in their peacekeeping initiatives. For every $2 donated by a student, an origami paper crane was hung in their honor with a message for peace.

Holiday Drive 2021

Holiday Drive 2021

We collaborated with the social justice club and our student council to have a toiletry drive for the Riverdale Housing Action Group (RHAG). The RHAG aims to help our community with housing and our team wanted to participate in this change. We engaged the student body and got them to donate toothpaste, deodorant, and other toiletries to help patrons at the RHAG. We also managed to spread holiday joy by making cards and preparing gifts for the organization. We are grateful to work with such an amazing group. R3P2 is proud of the participation of our students to make a difference in their communities.

Montreal Massacre

Montreal Massacre Commeration Video

On December 6th, our team and the social justice club collaborated to make a video on the Montreal Massacre. This video explored many issues, such as gender-based violence, sexism in the STEM fields, and the intersectionality of racism and misogyny. Our team members spoke up about being women in STEM and have inspired the student body, as well as the staff. We are glad to start these discussions at Riverdale.

Best Buy grant

Humber College Regional Event

This upcoming weekend (March 6th to 8th) R3P2 will be competing in the Humber College regional event!! We are looking forward to seeing the other teams robots and competing with a bunch of other amazing teams at this competition. If this competition goes well we could have a high chance of going to disticts! GO R3P2!!!

Lego Robotics

Lego Robotics

In collaboration with the Chung Wah Chinese school at Riverdale Collegiate Institute, R3P2 has started a LEGO activity booth, where we brought LEGO kits and an EV3 mindstorm to allow students and their siblings to be engaged in building creative designs, while sparking an interest for construction and STEM through their creations.

Best Buy grant

Best Buy Technology Grant

R3P2 is proud to have recently received the Best Buy Technology grant! On January 29th, employees from our nearby Best Buy store met with our team members and mentors to present the check of sum of almost $10 000! We are excited to use these funds to spread the message of FIRST this year and in years to come.

First team meeting

Let's Go Riverdale!

The hum and buzz can be heard once again from robotics headquarters at Riverdale. Veterans and rookies alike arrived to room 101 on October 3rd for the first official team meeting of R3P2 of the 2019-2020 season. With a team of over 60 members, we have once again broken our team size record. Training, practice and experimentation are all tasks that our subteams will be undertaking over the next few months before kickoff on January 4th.

2019 robotics fair

Robotics Fair 2019

After hard work from the R3P2 executive team, the 2nd annual robotics fair has now wrapped up. We have furthered our team's presence in the school community and introduced many grade 9s to the wonder that is the FIRST Robotics Competition. We hope to have many students who were involved in the event at lunch apply to join the team. This was a great start to the school year and we are excited to get back to Robotics after the summer break!

dcmp 2019

Ontario District Championships

From April 10th to 13th, R3P2 had the privelage of competing at the Ontario District Championships alongside some of the best teams in the world. We worked hard to qualify throughout the season and were proud to seed 16th out of the 40 teams in the Science division. We also won the championship entrepreneurship award, an amazing feat. Our team finished the competition ranking 57 in the district out of a total of 179 teams! Sadly, this was not enough to qualify for the World Championships in Detroit and as such, this brings an end to the 2019 season for R3P2. We'd like to thank all our sponsors and we hope to see everyone back for next year's season.

Western Uni

Western Engineering District Event

On April 5th, R3P2 packed it's bags and travelled to London, Ontario to compete in the Western Engineering Distrct Event at Western University. The weekend treated us well and at the end of the qualification rounds, 5834 seeded at 11th out of 40 teams! In alliance selection, 5408 graciously invited us to join the fifth alliance alongisde 5596 to face the fourth alliance in playoffs. After a hard fought quarterfinals with a scoring tie and a tiebreaker match, we were sadly eliminated. However with our impressive run at this event, we racked up enough points to qualify for the Ontario District Championships taking place next weekend. We can't wait to see you all there!

Humber College District Event

Hurray! Team 5834 had an exciting weekend over at Humber College from March 8th - 10th. We got to compete with some amazing teams and made some great new friends! We ended the event with our highest seed ever at an official FIRST event as the 9th seed! We had the honour of teaming up with 6978 and team 7723 as the sixth alliance for playoffs. Due to the success of our hardworking business and outreach team, we won the entrepreneurship award, our first judged award since 2016. Go Riverdale!

Western Kickoff

2019 Kickoff: Destination Deep Space

On January 5th, Riverdale Robotics went to Western Tech to visit FRC team 865, Warp7, to join them for their annual kickoff event. We had a blast brainstorming and analyzing the game with them and are excited to bring the 2019 build season to a start! We are further excited to announce we will be attending the Humber College and Western Engineering District events. Hope to see you there!

terminator 2019

3rd Annual Terminator

Watch out, Terminator is running again for the third year! This year, R3P2 has partnered with the school's Athletic Association to run the event. Terminator is a school wide game of manhunt where everyone has a target and is being targeted. At the end of the two weeks, we'll be able to crown our third terminator champion!

fall fiesta 2018

Fall Fiesta 2018

Here we go again! 5834's first competition of the year, Fall Fiesta took place this past weekend, on October 20th, 2018. Our team had a blast training new drive team members and introducing rookies to the First Robot Competition environment. We were thrilled to be the second seed of 25 teams and to captain the second alliance with our close friends, team 4476, W.A.F.F.L.E.S. and 2nd year team, 6632. We were delighted to win the gracious proffessionalism award, ending the event in a good way.

robo fair

Robotics Fair

To increase awarness of FIRST and STEM at Riverdale, Riverdale Robotics ran a new initiative: the Robotics Fair! This event allows all students to get a chance to get an inside peek into R3P2 and learn about all of our moving parts from Computer Aided Design to Sponsorship Relations. The students also get a chance to get to drive the robot and complete an obstacle course. The event was a huge success and we have already seen huge increases in interest during our recruitment.

Ontario District Competition

On April 12th to April 14th, our team gained enough points to attend the Ontario District Competition at the Hershey Centre in Missisauga, Ontario. After two days of competing, our team finished 23rd from the qualifying rounds. Unfortunately, we were not picked during alliance selection but are very proud of our performance during the entire competition. Sadly, our power up season ends here but the amazing experiences, lessons and support we have received from other teams and our sponsors has been worth the journey. Thank you to everyone who took it with us and hope to see you in 2019!

North Bay District Event

From March 29th to the 31st, R3P2 participated in the North Bay Regional at Nipissing University. Placing 24th after Qualification Matches and a few challenges in the way, we were chosen by our alliance captain Lake Effect Robotics and W.A.F.F.L.E.S Robotics in the second alliance and worked hard together to advance to finals ! We had an amazing time working and playing with them and can say that this competition has been one of the best performances by our team yet.

Ryerson University District

From March 15 to March 17, we competed at the Ryerson University District event in downtown Toronto at the Mattamy Centre. We placed 12th out of 37 teams in the qualification matches and were picked as a member on the 4th alliance. After two competitive quarter final matches, we were sadly eliminated.

Visiting our Sponsors: The Optimist Club

Early on in the PowerUp build season, we visited one of our platinum sponsors: the Optimist Club and updated them on our new season and our current initiatives. We owe a lot of our team's success and abilities to them and constantly thank them for their support.

Caring for the Carribean

In the summer of 2017, 3 disastrous hurricanes hit southern North America, 2 of which immensely affected many islands in the Caribbean. Most of these countries almost completely destroyed and students and children were not able to attend school until much later in the year. Our fundraiser, Care for the Caribbean intends to raise money for this cause and in turn provide students with school supplies, and other technology assests to help them succeed and learn.

Kickoff: Start of the 2018 FRC Season

On January the 6th, all FRC teams were introduced with a new challenge for the 2018 season: FIRST POWER UP . Since then, we have been brainstorming designs and coming up with ideas and strategies that will hopefully make our 2018 season a successful one.

Girl Guides of Canada

In mid-November, a group of female members on our team gave a presentation to a Girl Guides of Canada club about females in STEM and Robotics, hoping to give them an introduction to the opportunities that they could have in Science and Engineering in high school.