Riverdale Robotics

We are a student-lead high school robotics team that focuses on giving students the experiences and skills they need to navigate the STEM industry. Students are exposed to the dynamics of running a small business and gain valuable teamwork and leaderships skills from their experiences.

Want to know how YOU can support our team?

R3P2's continued success is made possible by sponsors and community support! Our team is always looking for new ways to engage with the community through local events. Feel free to contact us at riverdaleraidersrobotics@gmail.com for robot demonstration requests, or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or mentor for our team! Any backing is highly valued!

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What have we been up to?

2024 ont DCMP

Ontario District Championship

Our team qualified for the Ontarial DCMP and was placed in the Science Division along with several of the best teams in Ontario. From there, 5834 had impressive results, with quick robot cycle times, scoring very effectively for the team, and racking up a 6-6 record against the top teams. Despite missing out on the playoff bracket during the alliance selection, R3P2 still won the Team Spirit Award, and our Outreach Lead, Hannah Li won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award, qualifying for the World Championship level over some of the top students in the province! Congratulations!

2024 windor competition

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Event

5834 travelled all the way to Windsor to participate in the Windsor Essex District competition! Staying overnight for a 3-day 2-night trip, R3P2 put up a great showing at the event, improving on the robot's shooter mechanism from the last event to play impactful offense for their alliance and scoring large amounts of points. The team was picked by the 8th alliance, 9663 (Offshape Robotics), and 8789 (The Lost 10mm Sockets), and pulled off an incredible upset win against the 4th alliance in the lower bracket thanks to the incredible driving skills of Brandon Ho. Although we bowed out of the competition against the third alliance, the team gained enough points to qualify for the Ontario DCMP.

2024 Centennial Competition

Centennial College District Event

Our team faced many challenges this event, such as late shipment of important robot parts, and poor connections to the robot, resulting in many disconnections on the field. Despite this, R3P2 perservered and were picked by the first alliance, 7558 (ALT-F4), and 1325 (Inverse Paradox). R3P2 would go on to play incredible defence for the alliance, winning out every playoffs match to become the winners of the Centennial College district event.

2023 Overtime Sunday Competition

Overtime Sunday 2023

R3P2 competed in the 2023 Overtime Sunday event in Hamilton. Despite facing several challenges, such as broken gears, a tough qualification bracket, and the departure of a very prominent team leader and mentor, Nhat Le, our team put up an admirable fight, showing resiliency throughout the tournament. Although falling in the quarterfinals along with our alliance partners, 7520 (MineKee) and 5596 (Wolverines), R3P2 had a great showing for the last competition of our beloved robot of the 2023 season, CharLes Augustin.

2023 CNE Competition

CNE Competition 2023

Our team participated in the 2023 Offseason competition at the CNE! Along with alliance partners 2935 (NaCI) and 5596 (Wolverines), R3P2 ranked 8th with an impressive record of 8 wins and 6 losses, thanks to our drivers, Brandon Ho, Fiona Mooney, and Mahir Tasnif.

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