Our Team is always accepting of donations!

Click the text above, or the button below to donate to our team! Any small contribution to the team goes a long way in allowing R3P2 to continue to run for years to come! We are always greatful for any amount that you are willing to give. The donation is also tax deductible!

Supporting Steps

Steps to donate:

1. Select the amount you would like to donate, any amount is greatly appreciated!

2. Please confirm that the designated school under the gift information section is Riverdale CI

3. Under initiative, please ensure that it is set to Robotics as opposed to General

4. Complete the payment process

Looking for other ways to back 5834?

  • Our team is student run, and lacks mentors to guide the team's structure and aid in training new rookies. If you would like to volunteer or nominate a mentor, please do not hesitate to reach out at riverdaleraidersrobotics@gmail.com
  • R3P2 spends a significant amount each year to achieve success and ensure that the season runs smoothly. If you would like to sponsor our team or suggest a sponsor, please do not hesitate to reach out at riverdaleraidersrobotics@gmail.com
  • Our team is available to perform demonstrations at events! If you are interested in having our team and its robots at an event, please request it at riverdaleraidersrobotics@gmail.com

Please help spread the word! Tell your friends and family about our team!